Passionate for plants..especially edible ones. Vegetable and herbs of all kinds find there way into my kitchen. The produce section, farmers market, is a world of color, shape, aroma and texture. Explore along with me as I experiment, ponder, taste and savor the foods of a vegetable lifestyle. I love having a herb and vegetable garden... and encourage anyone with a bit of land or a pot to try. Of course, these days you can't think of food or farming without considering being green or eco.

Fresh Ginger Lemonade

Zesty and Delicious!

The blend of fresh lemon juice and ginger - 
really packs a punch.

Finely grate fresh ginger
1,2-3 tablespoons
Depends on how much you 
love ginger.

Golden ginger

6 organic lemons

Yes...this is the juice of 6 lemons!

Add the ginger and 6 cups of fresh water.
Add sweetener to taste.
I used a 1/3 cup of raw agave.
Stir well.
Other options:
maple syrup
natural sugar

Very refreshing cold
and can also be served warm.

It will stay fresh for a few days.
Leave the ginger in for at least a day
then strain or leave the ginger in for a 
stronger taste.

This recipe is pretty intense so...
made to your taste
...less sweet
...lots of ginger
you can also dilute it
and make a lemon ginger water
don't add any sweetener
add some cayenne 
and it makes a great
cleaning drink.

So many ways to "mix" it up.

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