Passionate for plants..especially edible ones. Vegetable and herbs of all kinds find there way into my kitchen. The produce section, farmers market, is a world of color, shape, aroma and texture. Explore along with me as I experiment, ponder, taste and savor the foods of a vegetable lifestyle. I love having a herb and vegetable garden... and encourage anyone with a bit of land or a pot to try. Of course, these days you can't think of food or farming without considering being green or eco.

Squash soup with coconut milk and kale, mushroom, peanut topper

Kabocha Squash (Also known as a Ebisu, Delica, Hoka, Hokkaido, or Japanese Pumpkin)
Kabocha is the generic Japanese word for squash, but refers most commonly to a squash of the buttercup type. This squash has a green, bluish-gray or a deep orange skin. The flesh is deep yellow.

  • I used one whole Squash.
  • peeled and cubed into 1 inch pieces
  • sauteed in olive oil a bit
  • add water to cover and cook until soft.
  • add 1 can of lite coconut milk
  • simmer until soft and tender
  • salt/pepper
  • let cool

  • puree half of it- leaving some chucks of squash.

  • *The great thing about the Kabocha squash is that, even when fully cooked it keeps a nice cubed shape and does not fall apart.

  • add puree back to soup
  • add boiled peanuts**
Tip: add some unsweetened soy milk or make it creamier. 


Sautee mushrooms, kale and peanuts.
add some tamari
juice of 1 big tangerine
add some brown sugar and let bubble.

The sweetness of the juice combined with the earthy mushrooms, balance the deep "pumpklny" flavor of the squash.

** boiled peanuts...get them at the natural food store...not roasted and no salt...with no skins..boil in a lot of water for two hours...makes them soft and still, a bit chewy.

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